Before: For the last few years this room has been a catch-all for kid toys. A lot of emotion was kept hidden behind the closed door and the in the dresser drawers. When daughter #2 moved out we painted the black and red walls a nice neutral color and gave the room a fresh start. Then daughter #1 and our grandson stayed a while. When they left, well...let's just say "it was hard." So the room has been a place for the occasional visitor but not much more than that.
With the pressure of a pending visit from a
Faith Alive team, I felt compelled to do something about the room.

After: The visitors will be here Friday. I'm reframing the circus pictures (shown leaning against the wall in the first "before" photo) but I'm holding out for Hobby Lobby's half-price sale of their frames. Somebody should tell me it's worth the $50 to finish the room by Friday. Until then, this is how it's looking:

New sheers ($62). New lamps (set of 3 = $70). New "used" bedside table ($25).

I'm going to put a bigger plant in front of the window (above).

And maybe a chair or something in front of the plug (above).

Art will definitely help. That and a mirror. And maybe a floor vase with some feather grass or some such.
Although I'm not finished, at least I don't mind have company!